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Thursday, February 14, 2013

Jewelry sales

I love working with metal. I work nearly every day. Chasing, hammering, soldering, anticlasting, raising, and the list goes on. I have lots of product . Unfortunately I don't like selling it. It puts yourself out there on the line. It's business and I just want to create. It's pricing, display, and well, selling. 

Last week I was invited to show to sell my work at a new business that had already had several shows. It was to introduce a new partner in their business. I worked hard finishing new pieces, cleaning and marking and setting up. Lots of worrying. She had invited all her friends and they were interested in her jewelry. I ended up trading a pair with her and selling a pair to another partner and buying a pair from the other. I broke even. I had fun hanging with my friends. And  now I'm set up and ready for my next show!

I don't have a mailing list. I need to get one. I've already had a show where I invited my friends and they were generous and purchased my jewelry. Maybe even some sympathy buys. I don't want to keep just inviting my friends. I'm not quite sure how to go about getting a mailing list except by having more shows and having a sign up sheet. Hence, more shows. 

I could also wholesale my jewelry to stores but then I have to go prostitute myself to stores and sell my work to them. I went to a jewelry store in Owasso last week but the minute I walked in I knew my jewelry was not a match for his store. He was a nice guy and we both decided it wasn't a good match. 

I'm excited that a local gallery saw some of my earrings and liked them so I will be taking more of them by to see if they are really interested in selling them. I hope so! 

I have to get over myself! I'm not so precious and my ego isn't so fragile that I can't take the heat. I would rather whine about it. Everybody hates whiners. So go get busy, Cheri

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