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Saturday, February 16, 2013

12 Pound Terror

While Allie is studying and partying in Europe Harvey and I have been left with taking care of her two dogs Presley and Duke. Duke is 75 lbs and Presley is about 12 lbs, but they are the most destructive dogs.

Our backyard looks like a moonscape most of the time from their digging. The only time it doesn't is when Harvey has painstakingly covered up the holes with fresh dirt. We are not talking about a few holes. We are talking about the entire back yard.

Presley is an escape artist. He actually rips holes in our 10 year old fence and gets out. He's so little it just takes a small hole. Harvey, again painstakingly nails a board up to cover up the hole and the next day, guess what? Yep, another hole.

Sometimes the neighbors call or bring him back because he's terrorizing their squirrels by barking maniacally. I know he will come home eventually when he gets cold, hungry or tired. Sometimes I will grab him, carry him in to the house and before I can shut the doggie door he's outside like a shot and back through the hole even though he's been out for hours. I'm waiting for a hawk to get him. I guess Alexandra won't be too happy about our doggy care skills then, will she?

Because having three dogs in our house was a bit much with a big dog I did ask a friend to board Duke. I still get to see him most days. He seems to love living at his new home. He gets lots of love and treats. Plus he has a big dog house with a heat lamp shining down on him. Who wouldn't love that? I'm not sure Alexandra will get him back because my friends are falling in love with him. He's about the best dog you could have (except for digging). If only he were just a little smaller. But then Presley is smaller but he's a little s*#*t.

Addendum: just finished this post, stopped to feed Guy, the doorbell rang and there stood my next door neighbor with Presley. I promised to send Harvey over to fix his yard where Presley had just been digging. In the meantime Guy dumps all of his sweet potatoes in his lap.

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